B is for Bully
‘B is for Bully’, winner of 3 respected film awards is aimed at ages 12 – 18, a sensitive, powerful and moving drama / mockumentary and chronicles a year in the life of school pupil Paige.

Set in a modern secondary school, Paige inadvertently becomes the target of rumours, cruel words and actions. Her retreat, social -media, soon becomes toxic, very quickly. Despite her best efforts to stand up for herself and rise above the situation, and support from family and friend Adam, the devastating effects of cyber-bullying are revealed, for all concerned.
The storyline will take viewers through a range of emotions but most importantly help them realise the importance of empathy, kindness and the need to use social media responsibly.
The film gives a unique insight into how it feels to be bullied.
The message is clear, relevant and poignant. The carefully crafted script reflects the responsibility we deem necessary to depict this subject.
Once online, words can’t be taken back, so why risk being that one person, who sends that one text, comment, Like or Tweet that pushes someone else too far, makes them lose hope?

B is for Bully will –
- Challenges the idea that bullying should be tolerated and accepted as ‘Just a part of growing up’
- Contains characters and situations, young people can identify with and relate to
- Urges schools to be places with an emphasis on the idea that’s it’s all right to be different.
- Helps viewers see that silence helps the bully gain more power over the target.
- Inspire adults to listen to young people about bullying.
- Highlights the responsibility of using social media
- Shows the devastating effects of cyber-bullying.
- Encourages kindness.
- The DVD Is accompanied by a detailed resource pack linked to the national Curriculum
- Perfect for use within PSHE, English, Drama and across the curriculum.
My Life As A Bully
Combining education with entertainment and balancing wit with knowledge ‘My life as a Bully’ is a 40 minute drama / mockumentary that delivers a powerful anti-bullying message with the most potent tool going, humour.
With an introduction by the UK Victims’ Commissioner, Baroness Newlove, set in a modern day secondary school the storyline makes a real and lasting impact on the issue of bullying
It is the story of Booker, nicknamed as of her love of books and her status as one of the many silent targets of a particularly nasty school bully ‘Bulldog’ and his gang.
Booker may appear passive, but she is no fool. When she witnesses, the bullying increasing she naturally turns to books for guidance. When the temporary relief librarian suggests she takes a copy of ‘Bully For You’, although uncertain, she takes it.
The events that follow change the face of the school forever.

My Life As A Bully will –
- Generate discussion and change attitudes towards bullying
- Show the impact of being bullied and of being a bystander
- Illustrate the consequences of being a bully
- Empower young people about the importance of speaking out against injustices
- Help viewers see that silence helps the bully gain more power over the target
- Highlight that it is not good to stand by and watch or encourage bullying behaviour
- Encourage uniting together, and be empowered so speak out against bullying
- Acknowledge that it takes courage to speak up, but be courageous – as people want to help.
- Convey the message that no one deserves to be bullied
- Urge bullies to stop and think how their behaviour affects other people
- Assure adults that they can make a difference, by creating an environment that’s caring, positive and supportive
- Inspire adults to listen to young people, about bullying
- The film is accompanied by a comprehensive resource pack, linked to the National Curriculum, full of helpful information, valuable lesson plans, discussion starters and classroom activities
Same But Different
Every day homophobic language is undermining the confidence and self-esteem not just of young gay people, but of any student who is deemed different or isn’t part of the gang.
More often than not, school staff lack the support and confidence to tackle homophobic bullying and worry that they don’t have the time to challenge every instance of homophobic language.
‘Same But Different’ is a gripping feature film. Suitable for both young people 14+ and adults, the intelligent, powerful and entertaining script uses drama, humour and lively writing.
‘Same But Different’ explores issues about peer pressure, discrimination, pejorative language and homophobic bullying and the impact it can have on the health, well-being and learning for those involved or witness it, on a daily basis.
The storyline follows school pupils and friends Cameron and Grace and the complicated school dynamics. When a harmless game of Spin the bottle, causes appalling consequences for Cameron, how each of this group of friends react – reveals all.
The relevant and relatable characters make it easy for the audience to be engaged with the issues raised.